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<3 65'


· We ask excited, hyper-connected and anxious youngsters about their urges. To find love. To awaken desire. And in that unreality in which everything is confused, Ana also finds her particular way of feeling.



Vivre ses rêves plutôt que de rêver sa vie! · Live your dreams rather than dreaming your life!

1 Mètre/Heure 9'


Pris dans notre temps d’humain, nous manquons l’incroyable. Au sein d’un aéroport, sur une aile d’avion, sous nos yeux, une troupe d’escargots exécute une magnifique chorégraphie patinée, jusque dans les airs ! · Caught up in our human lives, we miss out on the amazing. On an airplane wing, a company of snails performs a wonderfully slippery choreography...

100 Nuits avec Robert Walser 36'


Béatrice, 25 ans, s’installe dans un tout petit appartement en ville. Béatrice reçoit des amis, des amants et elle se lie d’amitié avec la narratrice, propriétaire de l’appartement. Présente ou absente selon les humeurs, la narratrice déclare son attachement à Robert Walser. La relation entre Béatrice et cette voix alterne entre amitié joyeuse, entraide et jalousies. · Béatrice, 25 years old, moves into a small apartment in the city. Béatrice often has friends and lovers over, and subsequently befriends the narrator, owner of the apartment. Around or absent, depending on her mood, the narrator declares her commitment to Robert Walser. The relationship between Béatrice and this voice alternates between joyous friendship, mutual support and jealousy.

10949 femmes 79'


À Alger, Nassima Hablal, héroïne oubliée de la Révolution algérienne, raconte sa lutte pour une Algérie indépendante. · In Algiers Nassima Hablal, a forgotten heroine of the Algerian revolution tells her story as woman in the war, her fight for an independent Algeria.

15 Years 89' 15 Shana


· Yoav’s demons start haunting him after his best friend becomes pregnant without telling him, which prompts his boyfriend of 15 years to talk about children too. His life unravels, and self-destruction seems inevitable.

27. FEBRUAR 43'


· For 42 years, around 210.000 Saharawi have been living in camps in the Algerian desert due to the occupation of the Western Sahara by Morocco. The film tells about their life in a temporary existence that evolved into a home against their will and to this day symbolizes their resistance and resilience.