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3 67'



3×2009 martinique 60'


Le 5 février 2009, à la suite de la Guadeloupe, la Martinique se déclarait en grève générale illimitée contre la profitation ; autrement dit, contre un système de domination où les gros profitent de leur force symbolique, mentale et historique pour exploiter le petit. Derrière les revendications économiques, s’est élevée une réflexion identitaire, des questions récurrentes qui se posent dès que le ciel se met à trembler et montre les dessous colonisés de cette terre : Qui sommes-nous ? Que voulons-nous ? Que pouvons-nous ? Découpé en 3 chapitres, le film montre ce mouvement social sous 3 angles différents et plonge le spectateur dans les rues impatientes et bavardes de Fort-de-France. · February 5, 2009, following Guadeloupe, Martinique declared an unlimited general strike against the profiteering; in other words, against a system of domination where the big ones profit from their symbolic, mental and historical strength to exploit the little one. Behind the economic demands, a debate about the post-colonial identity of this island arised. Cut into 3 chapters, the documentary shows this social movement from 3 different angles and plunges the viewer in the impatient and talkative streets of Fort-de-France.

731 6'



A chacun son arbre 52'


Hugues de Grandmaison est conseiller forestier en retraite. Il affirme un amour profond de la forêt ; celle de Compiègne où il réside, comme toutes celles qu’il a soignées. il nous entraine dans ce monde fascinant et mystérieux où la vie et la mort semblent intimement liées et où tout se transmet. Un monde qui nous ressemble et nous révèle à nous-mêmes. ·

A Cold Summer Night 21'


· In a conformist Goan neighbourhood, Ketan, a Maharashtrian migrant finds himself in cold sweat one fateful night.

A Donkey Called Geronimo 80'


Un îlot minuscule sur la Baltique, une poignée de marins et un rêve: vivre libre, loin de la société. Mais les marins ne vivent plus sur l'île. Chassés du paradis, leur petite communauté gangrenée par la discorde, les voilà désormais amarrés au port, et toujours sur les lèvres les histoires de leur vie passée sur l'île, comme s'ils étaient toujours sous son emprise. Une histoire de marins échoués et de malédiction, nourrie de l'imaginaire de l'île déserte et des utopies communautaires. · A tiny island in the Baltic Sea, a handful of sailors and a dream: to live free, away from society’s demands. But the small community breaks apart, made rotten by discord, and the sailors are forced to return to the mainland. Expelled from paradise, they live on rusty ships parked in an anonymous harbor town. At night they meet on deck, drinking and telling each other the same old stories. Each of them is haunted by the island's dark and compelling promise. Can they ever break through the spell it cast on them? A film with floating contours, a story of stranded sailors and malediction, fed by the imaginary world of the desert island and community-based utopias.

La fièvre 98' A Febre


Justino, un amérindien Desana de 45 ans, est agent de sécurité dans le port de Manaus. Sa fille se prépare à étudier la médecine à Brasilia. · Justino, a 45 year Indian Desana, is a security guard in the Manaus commercial port. His daughter goes to study medecine to Brasilia.

Le bateau Welles 75' A JANGADA DE WELLES


- · In 1942, Orson Welles was in Brazil filming his documentary "It's All True" about Carnival and the Jangadeiros (Brazillian fishermen). The leader of Jangadeiros "Manuel Jacaré" died during filming. This fact evokes memories of the New State dictatorship, of Orson Welles in Brazil and the struggle of fishermen for labor rights.



· A painter is standing in front of a blank canvas. People trapped in a system, blind and tied up with their view on small screens. The actors of the 21st century are screaming. The screams won't leave the painter alone. His creativity surrenders. It suddenly becomes quiet and he starts to paint.

A SNAKE MARKED (Riedinger) 13'


· After many years, a convict who spends his days sketching charcoal art in his prison cell, receives a surprise visit from his estranged father. This encounter forces him to contemplate his own existence and place in the world. As he begins to remember the past, his memories cause him to lose grasp, blurring the lines of his present reality.