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Belle ville 26'


Sun-haw est une Sino-corĂ©enne qui travaille clandestinement dans une auberge corĂ©enne du quartier chinois de Paris. Elle attend sa sƓur jumelle, qui vient d'obtenir un visa touristique pour la France. Sun-haw a tout planifiĂ© : en repartant avec le passeport de sa sƓur, elle pourra enfin Ă©changer sa place et retrouver son fils malade restĂ© en Chine. Mais le jour du dĂ©part, rien ne se passe comme prĂ©vu. · Sun-haw is a Chinese-Korean woman who works illegally in a Korean hostel in Paris. She expects her twin sister, who has just get a tourist visa to come in France. Sun-haw has planned everything: with her sister’s passport, she will finally be able to exchange her place and meet again her sick son she’s let in China. But the departure day, nothing goes as planned.

Julie 105' Julie


Julie dĂ©cide de partir precipitamment de chez elle en abandonnant tout ce qui lui est cher. Sa fuite la conduira dans un village isolĂ© dans les montagnes oĂč elle espĂšre pouvoir oublier la rĂ©alitĂ©. Personne ne connait Julie. Personne ne sait rĂ©ellement quel secret se cache derriĂšre ce regard insaisissable. · Julie suddenly decides to runaway, leaving all behind. Her escape will take her till far away lands where she believes she can hide from herself in a little remote town. There Julie finds her place as the beloved teacher and everybody accept her and believes in her. But no one knows who Julie is. No one know who hides behind her evasive eyes.