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Ales 16'


Ales est aujourd’hui prête. Elle est revenue sur la terrasse qu’elle habitait autrefois avec sa mère, pour enfin se libérer du souvenir traumatique de cet être humain qui lui fit perdre à jamais son innocence. · Today, Ales is ready. She returns to the terrace she once lived on with her mother, to finally free herself from the traumatic memory of this human being who stole her innocence forever.

Alganesh 59'


· 'I didn't believe it until I saw it'. A sign on a wall says this, as a hundred Eritrean refugees arrive in Endabaguna collection centre in the Tigray region in Ethiopia, after traveling in an airless truck for four days. Why do people run away? What happens before the infamous images we are shown in the West of refugees crossing the sea? An intense journey through four refugee camps for Eritreans in Ethiopia, amongst unaccompanied children, persecuted Kunamas, people who have been there for as long as 17 years. This journey will follow Dr Alganesh Fessah's work, and her commitment in securing refugee's rights and liberating kidnapped and tortured prisoners in the Sinai desert. Three protagonists: refugees; Ethiopia, a welcoming land; and Alganesh who, among despair, will tell us her hopes on the horizon.

Alicia 8' Alicia


Alicia, une femme d'une trentaine d'années, est immergée dans son bain. Un appel de sa mère la renvoie aux bribes d’une mémoire séquencée, une mémoire fantasmée, vers un souvenir enfoui dans son subconscient. · Alicia, a woman in her thirties, is immersed in her bath. A call from his mother sends it back to the fragments of a sequenced memory, a fantasized memory, to a memory buried in his subconscious.

Jump and Hunt ! 16' Allonge ta foulée !


Une nuit, dans un stade, un coach entraîne en toute clandestinité un jeune coureur en vue d'épreuves d'athlétisme à venir. Au programme de cette nuit, un tout nouvel exercice : le Jump and Hunt. · One night in a stadium, a coach secretly trains a young runner for future athletic trials. There's an entirely new exercise on tonight's schedule: Jump and Hunt.

En pointillé 22' Along The Dotted Line


Ji-In’s brain being partially artificial, she faces a wall of discrimination from the “humans”. Her classmates and the administration treat her either as purely human or as a full AI. To draw a line between the two is difficult, but it’s easy to set the boundary that divides “us” and “them”. · Ji-In’s brain being partially artificial, she faces a wall of discrimination from the “humans”. Her classmates and the administration treat her either as purely human or as a full AI. To draw a line between the two is difficult, but it’s easy to set the boundary that divides “us” and “them”.

Maman 7' Ama


La guerre n’a pas un visage de femme. · War does not have a woman's face.

AMAL 83' Amal


Amal est une chipie : elle souffle les bougies des autres, tient tête à des policiers en manifestation, elle fume si elle veut, elle grandit si elle veut. Elle se cherche. Si être une femme dans une Egypte post-révolutionnaire signifie renoncer à sa liberté, alors à quoi bon ? · Amal is a bitch: she blows the candles of others, stands up to the police in protest, she smokes if she wants, she grows up if she wants. She is looking for herself. If being a woman in a post-revolutionary Egypt means giving up one's freedom, then what's the point?