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The Open 103' The Open


Quand Beckett rencontre Tank Girl, et quand Mad Max relooke Federer... · When Federer turns into Mad Max... as Beckett meets Tank Girl.

Bonne chance, Orlo! 14' SreÄŤno, Orlo!


Le choix courageux d'un jeune enfant dans la tentative de réunir sa famille. · The surprising quest of a young child to reunite his family.

The Lost City 78' La Ciudad Perdida


“Suddenly you remember why you’ve travelled so far. Somewhere in this huge landscape a mysterious golden city is hiding. It is the Lost City of Caesars, and you have come to find it”. · “Suddenly you remember why you’ve travelled so far. Somewhere in this huge landscape a mysterious golden city is hiding. It is the Lost City of Caesars, and you have come to find it”.

Laetitia 80' Laetitia


A 26 ans, Laetitia était la plus forte, championne du monde de boxe thaie, cette fille faisait peur, et elle en était fière. · At 26, Laetitia was at the top, a Thai boxing champion, this girl was scary – and proud to be.

L'entre deux tours 103' L’entre deux tours


Une comédie mélancolique autour des idéaux en grippe avec la désillusion. · A melancholic comedy about the ideal and disillusionment.